GROWING WITH MATHEMATICS - Elementary Math Program K-5

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Where is everybody?

I am looking over what still needs to be taught. So much to do so little time! I am curious to know if everyone was able to cover all the topics. I followed the plan laid out by Jeff so that the main areas will be covered but I am still worried about the gaps. Next year should be easier but I would love to know how others handled the pacing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Using Assessments

As my second grade team discussed the end of the year assessments we wondered how the results would drive instruction. The third grade teachers will be given the same instructions as we were---Don't deviate from the curriculum. If a large group of second graders(now third graders show a weakness in elapsed time for example will next year's teacher be able to stop and spend extra time on that area?